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The magic of today!

Hi there!

If you’re like me, you love a celebration. Well, I’ve got some things to celebrate. Twenty years ago, today my life changed. It’s the date I met Bart. TWENTY years ago! But wait, that’s not all… TWO years ago, today was the official release date of FISHING WITH HYENAS. Oh, hold on…there’s more!

So, you may already know this little nugget, but I’m on a mission to have my memoir adapted to a movie. Yep, I’m goin’ for the gold!

Way back in June, I had the great fortune of pitching my memoir to a couple of Hollywood agents. The one I really wanted—the one I justified going to the conference for—expressed interest in my story. After a few months, we finally nailed down a plan. She will connect me with a literary agent who will market my book to the major publishing houses. The backing of a traditional publisher should provide a stronger platform for us to run with the film deal. That's the theory, anyway.

Well, I like threes. Seems like a lot of big stuff in life happens in threes. My third big deal for today is that I sent my proposal to the film agent this morning! OMG, I’m so happy right now!

Um, okay, so patience has never come easy for me, but I’m gonna give it my best shot. Wish me luck.

My motto: if you’re going to dream, dream big—and then do everything you can to make your dreams come true.

PS, the soundtrack for today is Magic Carpet Ride by Steppenwolf. 😊

Make it a magical day!


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