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Happy New Year!

Here's wishing you and your family a most fabulous 2019!

For my December post, I thought I'd send a fun, uplifting, motivating post with a little sass weaved in. Well, I got busy with Christmas. And life. And I came down with laryngitis. Although I obviously don't need my voice to write a blog post, I had other stuff going on and I couldn't come up with anything creative. Well, here we are... the first of January already and I still don't have anything amazing to write. So, I'm gonna keep this short. You're welcome. :)

I'm not big on resolutions. In fact, I refuse to make them. What I do every year is reflect on the previous year. The good, the bad, everything that made an impact on my life. I'm a fan of goal setting, too, so I choose no more than three things I want to accomplish in the coming year. I know I can achieve THREE things in an entire year no matter how hard I'll have to work to complete those goals. I experience a bit of euphoria when I check something off my list, especially if major effort was required to get 'er done.

Whatever ritual works for you, I hope the next 365 days are filled with peace, good health, and new experiences that bring you hope and joy. So dream, dream big, and believe in yourself. Cheers!

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